Posted by on Apr 10, 2015 in Research, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hopefully you are now registered on the Rural Payments online system. If not, ring 03000 200 301 now! This remains a condition of entry for all schemes.

Basic Payment Scheme
The paper based application forms for 2015 (form BP5) will be emailed to registered applicants from next week for completion by 15th June. The forms look similar to the old SP5 claim forms. Note that there are 22 pages of new crop codes (e.g. winter wheat changes from OT1 to AC66).

New information required for the claim mainly centres on the need to specify EFA areas. Where relevant for the EFA you will need to have calculated:
– Length of buffer strips
– Length of hedgerows
– Area of nitrogen fixing crops
– Area of catch and cover crops
– Area of EFA fallow land

Sketch map requirements look to remain minimal but to help with your claim copies of the RLR maps will be sent out from this week unless you have had them already in the last 6 months.

Transfers of land and entitlements will need to be done on an RLE1 form (as last year). The RPA have not yet confirmed the minimum notice period for entitlement transfers but it is likely to be shorter than the previous 6 weeks.

Entry Level Stewardship
You will have received a form to claim your ELS payment for 2015. This says on it that it must be returned by 15th May 2015. Please note that this deadline has not at this stage been extended in line with BPS claims.

Countryside Stewardship
New guidance has been published and can be found by clicking here.

This is a competitive scheme with the main aim to ‘protect and enhance the natural environment, particularly the diversity of wildlife’.

Please note the following deadlines for applications:

Higher Tier
Deadline of 30th September 2015 but expressions of interest should be submitted by 30th June 2015 if you want support for your application.
Mid Tier
30th September 2015.
Woodland Creation Grants
31st May 2015.
Water Capital Grant
30th April 2015.

Land Partners would be pleased to assist with any aspect of the BPS and CS application process. Please do contact us on 01376 328297 or email